Organic Dry Fruit

As we can do private label work according to the special needs of our customers, we provide our own brands to domestic or foreign companies according to the demand.

Dried Figs

Dried figs, which are extremely rich in terms of life, relieve constipation and give fullness for a long time. Figs are rich in Vitamins A, B1 and B2, manganese and potassium, magnesium, copper, iron and phosphorus. Its high potassium level and low level provide relief to people with hypertension. Dried figs are a good source of calcium. Providing this ossifying bone development.

Thanks to the antioxidant it contains, it helps to reduce the use of heart diseases and various types of cancer. High mucilage content provides relief from sore throats. With its antioxidant properties, especially the effects of cancer, it also enables dried figs to be used in treatment against cancerous cells. Antioxidants also reduce heart disease.

It strengthens the powerful control system.

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